Friday, March 14, 2008

February Changes

On Tuesday, February 12th I made mashed potato soup and Dutch vegetable soup. I announced that I would be changing the day for the soup kitchen to Wednesdays. One person of the 8 that showed up (4 new people) said they wouldn''t be able to make it on Wednesdays, so I said that the week of the 17th the soup kitchen would be on Monday (Family Day).

Unfortunately I cannot make Mondays a regular day, so I will be committing myself to Wednesdays. This will benefit me professionally as I have a conflict with the timing if people stay and socialize, which is what I want them to do!

When I commented about the soup kitchen being held at the community centre to my co-worker, Lynne, she suggested I make lots of soup and sell it to the seniors (and staff who would be there) for $2 a bowl (plus a bun or bagel). I thought this would be an awesome way to raise some more money from something I already do!!! Thinking about this more, if selling the soup goes over well with the seniors on Monday, maybe I will ask if I can move the soup kitchen over to the community centre so that I can hit the large crowd that comes in for bingo/euchre/bridge and continue using this as a fundraising initiative! It would also give some of the single seniors a way to get some good food into their tummies. Hmmm! :)

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