Friday, March 14, 2008

My Inititiatives

Cassandra Wallace is volunteering, with the support of the Dundas Salvation Army, to raise awareness, funds and run programs that will benefit the Homeless of Dundas. Did you know there are approximately 75 homeless in the Dundas area?

In January 2008, I started a "Soup Kitchen" on Tuesdays from 11:30 am to 1 pm and a "Coffee Break" program on Saturdays from 10 to noon. Due to commitments and re-thinking, I changed Soup's On! to Wednesdays at the Dundas Community Centre. Taking advantage of the Dundas Senior Club coming in to play bingo, bridge and echure, I put the word out that I would sell bowls of soup and a bun for $2. This seems to be a hit! Due to numbers and only under poverty level people coming in, I put the "Coffee Break" program on hold.

I am still waiting for the appropriate location for the clothing distribution centre and consignment store.

The main objectives and goals once we get through this next hurdle is:1) to get the word out to the homeless of Dundas about Soup's On! and other possible programs. 2) to start a shelter for the homeless of Dundas. 3) to start any other programs that would be encouraging, supportive and benefitial to the homeless in Dundas. 4) to allow the homeless of Dundas the tools, love, inspiration and motivation to regain charge of their lives and change their situation.

Dundas Star News, Friday, December 21st, 2007:

Dundas Star News, Friday, December 14th, 2007:
Pancakes for Poverty

Shirley Molloy (Salvation Army), Lisa Woudenberg, Cassandra Wallace and Dorothy Knight (Volunteer)

Cassandra Wallace, Ted McMeekin (MPP), and Shirley Molloy (Salvation Army)


Monitary donations are being accepted at the Dundas Salvation Army. Please make sure you note that the donation is for this project! For more information please call Shirley Molloy, Dundas Salvation Army, at 905-627-0572.
Donations of perishable (for the soup kitchen) and non-perishable food would be greatly appreciated! Any donations not conducive to our two programs will be passed on to the Dundas Salvation Army Food Bank.
Donations of pants, socks, long johns, undershirts, sweaters, gloves, mittens, hats, boots, shoes, scarves, coats and blankets (used or unused) would be greatly appreciated!
Donation of a store front with a basement or back room with a separate entrance would be amazing!!
Donation/minimal cost sale of a building to run a shelter and programs would be absolutely

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